Because all key stages are time-stamped as a seamless part of the process, reports are instantly available to review the efficiency of any part within patient's pathways.
What is happening...
What does it mean...
The standard suite of reports available within Labyrinth include:
How to make an impact
The raw data produced by Labyrinth can be analysed to produce reports on any aspect of the unit’s operation e.g. cancellations, delays and utilisation. This data can be broken down further into any combination of parameters, such as appointments, labs, procedures, wards and periods of time.
It’s not just that the information is updated quickly for co-ordinators (so that they can ensure that their patient list is being managed effectively) it is also that the daily process itself collects useful management information, so that the team can do more with it. Managers can learn more about the operation of their units than ever before.
This is all achieved as part of daily working practice - the Labyrinth system is a 'win-win'; pathways are better managed and invaluable information is gathered seamlessly at the same time.
Improving Processes
Any changes to processes in one area may impact on others. In the past, knock-on effects might take months to appear in the audit data. With Labyrinth, reports are available immediately.
The information/evidence produced by Labyrinth will lead to a number of improvements. For instance, Labyrinth logs the opening and closing time of each lab. It may become evident that one particular lab is regularly finishing late but also starting late. You will be able to see that all the patients were arriving as scheduled, so the cause of delay will be the time it is taking to prepare patients.
Staff attention can be directed towards getting their group of patients ready more quickly in the morning, streamlining processes and the getting the Lab in question regularly starting and finishing on time.

Although a critical part of understanding your Lab environment, we challenge any Trust which does not have Labyrinth to declare if they can provide evidence of the causes of cancellations at all - let alone on the day of the event.
As this data builds over the weeks and months, there is a full management reporting module which provides in-depth information, filtered by a wide range of parameters.

There is an extensive range of parameters available for analysis.
- Any timestamp can be used as the 'Start time' and any as the 'Finish time'
- Choose any date range
- Filter by Labs / Operator / Procedure types / Wards
- Group by a wide range of options, such as Admission type, Labs, Operator, Procedure type, Time period, Trials

Perhaps the most important question for management - just how well utilised are your Labs?
The inclusive reporting module has a wide selection of standard reports, which allow you to evaluate all aspects of performance:
- On call
- Opening hours
- Usage
These reports can be retained for regular use, or shared across authorised users, to avoid duplication of effort.